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I love sharing the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. Kids, especially preschoolers, get so excited when they think about people cheering for Jesus. They love to wave their own palm branches and jump around. It is such a happy, engaging story. And, it meets the needs of all those kinesthetic preschool learners.
Craft time is incredibly important when teaching preschoolers. They can only sit still and listen to a Bible story for so long. When they are using their hands to make a craft, they are giving their minds a chance to think about what they’ve learned. It’s the perfect time to retell the story and ask them questions about what the particular craft means. They get to see and feel aspects of the story and engage with the characters and events in a personal way. This palm branch craft for preschoolers is perfect for helping little hands and minds process the story of Jesus coming into Jerusalem.
Palm Sunday is a wonderful kickoff to Holy Week. I have a complete schedule of lessons and activities for observing and learning through each day of Holy Week in the post Holy Week Activities for All Ages. I’d love for you check out the posts What Is Lent and What Is Ash Wednesday to see how your family can incorporate these meaningful times of worship into your families and churches.
Palm Branch Craft for Preschoolers
This craft is adapted from other craft ideas found on Pinterest.
- Green construction paper
- Pencil
- Scissors (I love spring-loaded scissors like those above for itty bitties. Great for strengthening those hand muscles without too much strain.)
- Stick (optional)
First you need a preschooler. I imagine, since you are reading this, one won’t be hard to find. : )
Second, draw a simple but large palm branch shape on a piece of construction paper. A tear drop shape works well. You can draw a stem or plan to attach it to a stick, pipe cleaner, craft stick, dowel, etc.
Third, cut it out. Older preschoolers can cut it out on their own. Younger ones may need help to get the initial shape.
Fourth, demonstrate cutting 1-1.5″ slits up both sides by cutting one or two. Then let your little one have at it! They will love the freedom to cut on their own.
And you’re done! They can tape it to a stick or use the stem they attached. Now your preschooler can have his/her own Triumphal Entry parade while waving her/his palm branch and shouting, “Hosanna!”
This palm branch craft for preschoolers goes perfectly with the Holy Week devotions found in my book Resurrection Moments which is available in paperback here in the Chasing Those Moments shop and paperback and ebook format on Amazon. I have an Advent devotional too!
You can find Palm Sunday crafts for other age groups as well as crafts for each day of Holy Week here! Or activities for any other day of the year over on the Activities page.
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