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Today was one of those dreary, sleepy, rainy days at our house. We had already been to the library and the park this week. Mama was tired and needed a day at home.
My oldest asked if we could have a “day for lazing around” and play board games. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been trying to say more yes-es. Add in the fact that I’ve also been trying to spend more time playing and engaging with my kids outside of school, meals, and chores, and today’s indoor activities for kids was born!
First, I taught them a new but simple dice game I learned as a preteen. We called it “Farkle” (strange name, I know!) but I’ve discovered that our rules were a bit different than the official game you can find in stores/online.
Give everyone a pencil and piece of paper and have them roll 6 dice to earn points. They add their score each time until someone gets as close to 10,000 points as they can without going over.
Best parts of this game are, even the littlest of littles can roll dice and the bigger kids get practice adding 3 and 4 digit numbers without even realizing they’re doing math! You should hear their excitement as they watch their score go up and up.
Get full instructions to my family’s version of Farkle here.
After that game, everyone was getting a little antsy but still wanting to play. So I suggested we play spy academy and make a laser grid. Cheers all around!

We used the game Chrono Bomb this time. The game contains fun cards with spy accessories the players can earn as they go through the grid. It has clips which attach around the room and hold string as the “laser.” It also has a ticking bomb timer with fun sound effects. Every time someone bumps the string the timer goes faster!
I have also used streamers or yarn and tape to make laser grids in the hallway. Either way is so much fun!
While I set up the first grid, my kids ran to get ready for Spy Academy. Do your kids love dressing up and getting into character for whatever game they’re playing? Mine sure do! They have an outfit for all occasions. Such fun!
This go round, I pulled out all my James Bond knowledge and went full spy mode. I was Chief M (for Mama). We had agents 001, 002, 003, 004, and Baby Q. Agent K-9 wanted to play with us so badly, but he had to be relegated outside so he wouldn’t wreck the grid. Haha.
Everyone went through the grid twice trying to earn their gadget cards and beat their previous times. Then each of the older three took turns making grids for everyone else to go through. All I had to do was act my part and start the timer. Low to no exertion for mom. Much exertion and entertainment for kids. Win, win!
By then it was lunch time and the kids were actually begging to start rest time early. (Need some lunch or even kid-friendly dinner ideas? Check out the Recipe page for some of our favorites.) These activities equally entertained my 10 year old, four year old, and everyone in between.
Did I just say “equally entertained”? You read it right! I call this day of indoor activities for kids, Mission: Success!
I have so many more activity ideas both indoor and outdoor for all ages on the Activities page. Or start with the posts LEGOS, Riddles, and Puzzles, Oh My, Crafts for Kids: Not Your Average Bracelet, and Playdough Activities for Big Kids and Little Kids, all great indoor fun!
Be sure to follow me on Pinterest for even more great activities for kids.
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