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Why Themed Days?
Let’s admit it. School can sometimes feel like a drudge for kids and teachers alike. We don’t want it to. We want to be the most engaging teachers out there who inspire a love of learning in every student that comes into our classroom. But sometimes, especially after we’ve been in the daily trenches for a couple of months, learning becomes just part of the grind.
Themed school days shake us all up a little. Teachers have something new to focus their planning attentions on. Students have a subject or activity to break up what has become routine. Brick and mortar schools have themed (or spirit) days regularly to try to lift the spirits of their students and teachers.
We can have themed days in our homeschools too! It brings smiles and giggles to the day. Helps attitudes perk up. Gives everyone a break from the same ol’, same ol’ school day. I love to pair unit studies with theme days, especially around holidays.
Miscellaneous Theme Day Ideas
- Wacky tacky day
- Messy hair day
- Silly sock day
- Sports team shirt day
- Hat day
- Dress like your favorite sport day
- Mismatched day
- Backwards day
- Pajama day
- All one color day
- Historical figure day
- Superhero day
- Book character day
- What you want to be when you grow up day
- Movie character day
- Community helper day
- Outer space day
Christmas Themes
What better time to put away the normal books and do some fun, focused school days than at Christmas time? I usually like to plan out our December calendar (with it’s inevitable busyness) with our last week of book work filled with themed days. You could do a different theme each day for week. Or you could spread them out and do one theme a week for the whole month. I have done both. And they’ve all been a hit with my kids.
Some Christmas themed school days are:
- Grinch day
- Nutcracker day
- Polar Express day
- Christmas story character day
- A Christmas carol day
- Gingerbread day
- Christmas around the world day
- An old fashioned Christmas Day
Links to lesson plans and activity ideas coming soon!
Sports Themes
- Favorite team jersey
- Favorite team shirt
- Favorite team socks
- Favorite team colors
- Favorite team hat
- Dress like your favorite sport
- Dress like a famous athlete
Eras Themes
- Dress like the 50s, 80s, 90s, etc.
- Pick a decade and dress like it
- Renaissance hair day
- Decades hair day (choose a decade)
These are just a few ideas for theme days in school, homeschool, co-op, church, or wherever you teach. Check back often for more ideas and more links to unit studies that pair well with different themes.
Check out the Activities page for so many more ideas of things to do with kids of all ages. The Moments page has lots of parenting/teaching encouragement for those in the trenches. The Recipes page has a few of my family’s most-loved and kid-friendly recipes. And be sure to check out the Chasing Those Moments Shop for lessons, resources, printables, and gifts as well as my books Jesse Tree Moments and Resurrection Moments.
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Do you have any ideas you would add? Have you tried any of these theme days? How did they go? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!